Where to you ship to?
Currently shipping to AUS, NZ and US
NDIS Information
BreatheBuddy products can be purchased out of your Consumables Funding. (Which is out of your core budget) *Please note that it is only available for Self Managed or Plan Managed Plans.
If you fall into this category please follow these steps;
- Email breathebuddy@yahoo.com requesting an invoice with the following information;
Name, NDIS number, address and product selection.
- We will email back an invoice.
- Email proof of payment to breathebuddy@yahoo.com Once proof of payment is received we will post the product and email back a tracking number.
I want to Partner with BreatheBuddy
Please email me directly breathebuddy@yahoo.com
What is BreatheBuddy?
Deep breathing has been shown to relax both the body and mind. BreathBuddy is a small but effective breathing tool that can help you restore your natural balance by reducing feelings of stress and anxiety.
How do I clean my Breathe Buddy?
BreatheBuddy is made with high quality stainless steel making it very easy to clean with simply soap and water. Each BreatheBuddy purchase also includes a mini cleaning bristle for a more thorough clean.
Will BreatheBuddy cure my anxiety?
BreatheBuddy won't cure anxiety. Half of the battle with anxiety is just accepting it and not fighting it. Breathebuddy can help reduce your anxiety when the breathing exercise is performed correctly. For many years doctors and psychiatrists have recommended breathing through a paper bag or straws to ease anxiety. I always felt better having my necklace on if I ever needed it, also it reminded me to calm my breathing more often. Nobody wants to be that person in the office or on a train breathing into a paper bag. With BreatheBuddy you can be calmly breathing into your straw at your work desk and nobody would think twice.
Can you use the BreatheBuddy to Quit Smoking?
Although it wasn't designed specifically for this we have heard from people who have kicked the habit that breathing out the straw a) Assisted with the habitual movement and b) Reminded them to take that same few minutes to breathe deeply for relaxation.
What is the the Breathe Buddy made of?
The BreatheBuddy pendant = High quality 304 Stainless Steel (Food Grade)
The chains = Whichever you choose. We have high quality stainless steel and sterling silver.
Does the Breathe Buddy make a noise?
No. Just normal air breathing noise. It doesn't whistle.
Why don't I just do my own breathing exercises?
If only we all did! That's what I struggled with, actually taking the time to Breathe deeply. The BreatheBuddy is a great reminder as its on you at all times. Also many people find having something physical to focus on (the air flowing out the straw, the straw pendant in your hand) when slowing your breathing extremely helpful.
Can I return the product if it doesn't work?
Yes please see https://www.breathebuddy.com.au/policies/refund-policy
I need to adjust the length, how do I make an adjustable knot?
Please email the customer service team at breathebuddy@yahoo.com